Friday, January 09, 2009

when do you give up on someone?

my latest quandry. when do you give up on someone you love? i am faced with this question daily. give up or face repeated heart break that is out of my control. soul aching heart break. the truth is i think i always knew the answer but was never willing to admit it - to admit what i knew, that i was in for a lifetime of heartache pending the other person's action or inaction. it took someone i'd only really known about a minute to call me on it: you won't. and i won't. truth is that you just don't give up. you love, you hope, you attempt to help - sometimes repeatedly - and then you pray if you are spiritual or religious.

problem is now i don't know what the next step is. my own soul aches. what do i do now?

1 comment:

GG Freeman said...

When do you give up on someone? You give up only when you have no more to give... and then later, perhaps... more to give comes from somewhere... for some reason.

Love is like one of those candles that you can't blow out. You can try to extinguish it, but unless extraordinary measures are taken, ... it will sputter and spume back to life irrespective of your intention.

You give up when the candle has nothing left to burn... the problem is deciding when that is. If only it were more obvious.