sad thing is that none of the eggs are fertilized. sadder still, pinky the domesticated turtle, broke them all. she has something to learn by way of grace and gentleness when moving around her clutch. it is possible she may have more; most turtles have 20 or more. so, now begins pinky watch 2007.
up until this summer i never really "bonded" with pinky. she is about seven and dan has had her since she was a hatchling. since, however, we have been sharing a room, pinky and i have made a connection. pinky crawls to me when i call her; she comes out of hiding when i call her. and i am not embarrassed, but, rather, proud to share this information.
will keep you posted on the egg situation.
on a final note, it is no small wonder that a turtle about a foot long produced 12 eggs that were 1.5 to 2 inches in length.
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