Friday, February 09, 2007

someone needs to explain this to me.

i live in michigan. what do you think of when you think michigan? snowy cold winters, right? me too. one would think that an extension of that would be snowplows and clean streets. one would not think the streets would be like our nation's capital. (in case you did not know, it takes about a week after a snowfall in the greater washington, dc area to plow every road.) well, in this way, i have not left dc.

chicago, oh that paragon of snow removal, please teach michigan the way. chicago, you are brilliant! you plow as it is snowing. there is no accumulation. snow is constantly removed. salt is constantly laid down on the road. there is no waiting until after the snow, when it is already packed onto the pavement and there is no such thing as removal. please, send michigan your snow removal guide. the state is definitely in need.

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