Sunday, August 27, 2006

apologies for the delay.

well, it has been a long week, the culmination of which is that i woke up today with an unbelievable sinus migraine headache. just my luck. eight cases to brief and my head was so sensitive to light i thought i would lose my stomach. thank goodness for excedrin migraine. it is my very best friend. an hour or so after taking it and laying in the cold, dark apartment with a cold, wet washcloth on my head, i am virtually ready to go. i just wish i had not lost the time, but such is life. i will stay up until i am ready for torts tomorrow.

orientation, on the whole, went well. i think they did a wonderful job of letting us know what we are in for and providing instruction as to how to get off on the right foot. we even had a sample torts class, a jump into the deep end of the socratic method if you will. it left the majority of us wondering what we were doing here and if we had made the right decision. i think we are all still debating it.

what has been most helpful to me is the research, writing and advocacy class. it provides the overview to everything and the tools to get what you need.

i have to say, aside from being completely overwhelmed and clueless, i am enjoying myself so far. everything is like either putting a puzzle together or taking it apart, which i like. of course, it is not even the first full week of class, so check back soon. that opinion is subject to change.

my goal, by the way, is to provide an update every weekend. i can already tell you the warnings they gave about time are correct. i am already behind despite all of my work to not be so. (of course everything we are doing takes much more time in the beginning, but should become easier as the semester progresses.) so, please do not take offense if i do not return emails or calls with all expediency. it is not that i do not want to talk or write; to the contrary, i probably do not have the time. so, please, just give me a few days to do so.

hope the weather in your neck of the woods is nice - and not inclusive of warnings, especially for extremely high pollen counts.


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