Friday, February 26, 2010


A couple of week ago, instead of looking for jobs, I spent the evening chatting online with two friends. Two separate conversations were going on for a long while with two friends (who know each other) that I now live 12 hours away from. The two know each other and, at some point, discovered that I was chatting with the other person - not that it was supposed to be a secret.

At this point, the chat with each of them became a platonic love fest for the other - with me serving as the go-between and laughing heartily. Shortly, the conversation spilled over to twitter and became a three-way platonic love fest between all three of us.

After one of my friends left, my other friend and I discussed adoration. People don't adore enough - or if they do adore one another, people just don't say it. And, it needs to be said. Every time I say it, I am reminded how lucky I am, how full of life and love and laughter my life is because of the people in it. So say it. I adore you. I adore him. I adore her.

So, here, in no particular order, and not an exhaustive list, are some of the many people I adore:

Vanessa, my sister in life, who taught me about art and beauty
Amy, my sister in the law, whom I learn about being a woman attorney from everyday
Ericka, my sister in soul, who reminds me to treat myself better and feed my soul
Matt, my patient friend, who shows me endless graciousness with his time
Mel, my wild friend, who reminds me to let myself be a little wild every now and then.
Andy, my rational friend, who reminds me to worry less than I do
Beth, my powerhouse friend, who reminds me to bring the sass and the feistiness every single day (there are days when I don't want to)

I adore you, and more, so very much.