Tuesday, March 31, 2009

off to vienna.

i leave for vienna for another round of the vis international moot arbitration competition. ten days in austria and a minimum of four days of competition. the university of vienna hosts - always the week before easter. the competition focuses on using various UNCITRAL conventions and model laws and is in vienna because UNCITRAL is in vienna.

six of us, including our coach, are heading over. i am hoping we advance this year to the 'brackets', or vis' own april madness.

will update more from the road - hopefully with a jaunt to salzburg.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

been busy.

been busy. such is a the life a 3L. making sure you have all of your requirements knocked out. working on papers. working on oral arguments. traveling to moot arbitration competitions. traveling to conferences. practicing for moot arbitration competitions. spending time with an interesting man. registering for bar review. applying for more loans. family drama. life drama. traveling to the actual moot arbitration competition. journal.

i need a vacation.